Everything You Need to Know About Polyurethane Waterproofing Injections
If you’ve ever had a basement, you know the feeling of fear and dread that comes with every heavy rain. You know that leaky basement smell. You’ve probably spent money on products to help keep water out of your house—from tarps to tubes to sealants. And you may have even spent money on installing waterproofing systems for your basement, only to have them fail time and time again.
Well, we have good news for all of you basement-dwellers: our newest product has the solution you need. We’re here to tell you about our polyurethane waterproofing injections, which are quickly becoming a favourite among homeowners across the country (and the world!)
Waterproofing injections are a great way to keep water from getting into your home, which can cause all kinds of problems, from mould and mildew to rot and even foundation damage. But while there are plenty of waterproofing methods out there, why should you consider injection waterproofing?
Why do Polyurethane Waterproofing Injections work so well?
Well, there are two reasons. First, they’re designed to last a lifetime—and we mean it when we say it! These injections are made with a special kind of material that not only lasts forever but also stays flexible throughout its life cycle. That means no matter how much water hits it, or how much the temperature fluctuates in the surrounding ground area, these injection materials will not harden and crack as other sealants might.
It’s also minimally invasive. With waterproofing injections, there’s no need to dig up the foundation of your home or destroy any part of the structure. Instead of tearing up the ground outside your house and drilling holes in the foundation, which is what some other waterproofing methods require, injection waterproofing is performed by small holes drilled in discreet locations (like behind gutters) that are then filled with an expanding polyurethane that seeps into cracks and gaps in the wall.
Also Read: Difference Between Epoxy and Polyurethane in Concrete Crack Injections
Waterproofing is a crucial element of successful construction, and polyurethane waterproofing injections are a popular choice for many contractors. The two most common types of polyurethane are Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 polyurethane injections are used for cracks that are less than 0.2 mm wide, with low water pressure. It’s also the best option if you need something that cures quickly; it’s ready in under 10 minutes. Type 2 polyurethane injections are used for cracks up to 1 cm wide with medium water pressure. It takes longer to cure than Type 1 but is still ready in under an hour.
The great thing about polyurethane waterproofing injections is that they can be applied in any weather or temperature and don’t need sunlight or UV light to cure. For this reason, they’re often used in below-ground repairs because they can be injected into the crack from outside the structure without needing to dig out the foundation of the building.
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